Why everyone is so Unhappy and Insecure

Harshit gupta
2 min readJun 1, 2021

Let me tell you something you don’t know about life and I do

  1. Don’t trust anyone
  2. Life is not fair
  3. Hard work is the key to success
  4. Your success depends on how much money and fame you earn
  5. You should know what you are doing in life otherwise you are just going to squander it

These are the precedents that everyone in our generation follows tacitly but nobody will admit to it. No wonder why we all are so insecure, pretending to be okay when we are actually not. We pretend to talk about mental health on social media but in actuality, nobody is ready to talk to someone sitting next to them about how they actually feel. We have become such a hypocrite following all these values. As a human, we had so much power in our hand to make much better societies with even better values than these. But we were so much blinded in our pursuit of meritocracy that the real concern of human life have taken the sidelines and these false values have reigned supreme.

I hope that more people will gradually realize that we are digging a hole for ourselves by following these specious values and soon these will be replaced with better ones, which actually leads to greater happiness and security.

